Leading And Change Agent In The Work Environment

Table of Contents


This is an introduction to the topic at hand. We will be exploring the various aspects of it and how it can be utilized in different contexts. We will be delving into the fundamentals of the subject and looking at how it can be applied in various ways.

Bullying in healthcare environments

Leadership and the ability to change in order to solve the workplace problem

Analyse of specific strategies for change

The desired outcome of the initiative for change

In conclusion


An introduction is provided

Each workplace has its own culture, in which employees may have subconsciously adopted a certain norm. Many unresolved issues in workplaces, such as healthcare, need to be addressed. You must take steps to improve the workplace. The ability to be a leader and to make changes can improve everyone’s work environment. Bullying is a common problem in healthcare environments. Second, we will identify a leadership and a change theory to help address this workplace issue. Thirdly, specific changes strategies related to the leadership or change theory will be identified. The final discussion will focus on the outcome desired and the reasons for it.

Bullying in healthcare environments Bullying is a major concern. Bullying is a major concern in the workplace, especially for nurses. Bullying can cause psychological and physical problems for nurses, including anxiety and headaches. This will impact their job satisfaction and work performance (Lee Berstein, Lee, and Nokes, 2014). Bullying not only has negative consequences for the victim, but also can cause havoc in the workplace (Lee and al., 2014). Although bullying is not something that most people would think of in a workplace setting, such as a healthcare institution, it is a serious problem that many employees still experience. Bullying can cause serious health problems and affect our quality of living. We need to focus our attention on this issue and take the necessary steps to resolve it. Bullying within the workplace will result in more bullying than collaboration, and this will have a negative effect on the organization’s image. (Sauer & McCoy 2018). Unintentional errors or inability to properly care for patients can result from nurses who are mentally stressed. This could lead to lower patient safety. Bullying can result in a decrease in economic health for an organization due to employees refusing to come to work or a higher turnover rate, which can negatively impact the economy. Bullying can have a negative impact on the organization’s economic health. Employees may not want to be present at work and turnover rates can increase, which can lead to a decrease in the organization’s ability to attract and retain employees. A leader who is able to inspire others and achieve shared goals and transform thinking, is called transformational leadership. It consists primarily of four components: role modeling, inspiration, motivation and empowerment of others. These characteristics are key to promoting a better organizational culture.

Kotter’s eight-stage change process describes a process that is used to bring about change in the workplace. To make the change theory work, the leader must take eight steps: develop a sense crisis, form partnerships, create a new vision, articulate it, empower others, and commit to the change. It is possible to improve the workplace environment by encouraging and engaging others.

Kotter’s eight-stage process for change and transformational leadership theory are both appropriate tools to address bullying at work. The ability to be a true leader and help others achieve their goals can be a great asset. It is possible to create a coalition that will support the changes by collaborating and counting on many people to come up with a common vision. The leader must listen to the needs of followers and build trust, relationships, as well as empower others to achieve the common goals. This leadership style is a great way to tackle bullying at work by encouraging everyone to see the need for change and to actively participate in the process of achieving it. Building a team is key to achieving organizational goals. Leaders and followers must share in the decision making process. Be aware that there is a need for change. Leaders must encourage their followers to think critically about and use innovative thinking to come up with strategies (Fischer and Guadine 2017, 2015) and to feel empowered to implement them. Being a change agent can help to raise awareness about the need to challenge the status of the workplace. A leader can use a system to achieve a goal. This will allow him or her to keep track of progress and to identify areas that need to be revised. For organizations to succeed, they must create an environment that encourages change. This can be done by building a network, encouraging and enabling others to do the same, as well as acknowledging small successes and continuing to support them. This theory of change can be used to tackle workplace bullying by empowering people to let go of their old habits and recognize that they need to change. Everybody involved in a change process must feel empowered, and be able to take part in the long-term success of the organization (JonesSchenk 2017).

Analyse specific change strategies First, you cannot make change without having followers. Second, you need a support network to help you achieve your goals. The change process should not be restricted by hierarchy. All members must work together and share their individual strengths (Anderson 2018). The ability to motivate and empower others is essential to tackle bullying in the workplace. Employees should be educated about bullying and know the consequences. Managers can hold staff meetings that allow employees to report bullying incidents. These staff meetings can be used to inspire other units to have bullying meetings until the entire organization is aware. The policies can include “if you see something, tell it.” Employees can feel confident in speaking out about bullying because they all share the responsibility of incorporating change. Mentorship programs may be offered to those involved in bullying so they can get support and see the consequences. To spread awareness and get different perspectives, a team of nurses could form an anti-bullying organization. Once a group is created, everyone must collaborate, share visions, and feel empowered. It is possible to see small wins such as employees being more consistent at work, greater patient satisfaction and increased job satisfaction. Everyone can adapt to the new changes once they see them and feel at ease making it a long-term success.

The desired outcome of the change initiative is that bullying at work will be stopped. Patients, nurses, and organizations will not suffer the negative effects. Workplaces that are free from bullying will have respectful and supportive workers. This will increase teamwork and job satisfaction. Patient safety will improve as nurses caring to patients will feel less stressed. The organization will experience an increase in psychological and physical well-being, better patient care, lower turnover, and greater job satisfaction (Fischer 2017). It is important to have open and respectful communication between employees in order to foster a sense of safety. This can lead to fewer turnover and a positive image that inspires positive change. Because bullying can be detrimental to nurses’ psychological and physical health (Hubbard, 2014), these positive outcomes are vital. It can also affect their practice and satisfaction with patients (Purpora & Blegen, 2015). Bullying affects more than just the targeted individuals. It also impacts the lives of employees and patients.

Conclusion. Bullying is a persistent problem in healthcare and must be addressed immediately to eradicate it from work environments. To inspire improvement and change within an organization, it is important to use the Kotter’s eight-stage change process and the transformational leadership model. These theories can be used to give leaders a framework for how to work together, empower others and make lasting changes. If everyone participates in the process of change, everyone will feel proud. It is not possible to end bullying at work by one person. To make change happen, it takes a group with a common vision. Positive and safe environments that allow everyone to work together, help each other and build trust are conducive to overcoming challenges. People need to feel empowered, to take action and make a difference.


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Lee, Y. J., Bernstein, K., Lee, M., & Nokes, K. M. (2014). Bullying in the Nursing Workplace: Applying Evidence Using a Conceptual Framework. Nursing Economics published an article in which the authors discussed the implications of a variety of factors, such as health care costs and staffing levels, on the economic stability of the nursing profession (32(5), 256, 262-263). Retrieved from http://ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/docview/1616497586?accountid=15182

Purpora, C., & Blegen, M. A. (2015). Peer relationships play a mediator role in job satisfaction and horizontal violence among hospital staff registered nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(15-16), 2287-2288, 2292. https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/10.1111/jocn.12818

Sauer, P. A., & McCoy, T. P. (2018). Nursing bullying and intention to leave. The journal Nursing Economics recently published an article in their 36th volume, 5th issue which discussed the importance of economic considerations in the field of nursing. The article focused on the need for nurses to be aware of economic implications in order to make informed decisions in their practice. The authors argued that economic factors have become increasingly important in the nursing profession and should be taken into account when making decisions. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/login?url =https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/docview/2118741960?accountid=15182


  • hugoellis

    Hugo Ellis is a 27-year-old educational blogger. He has a love for writing and educating others about different topics. Hugo is a self-taught writer who has a passion for helping others achieve their goals.